10 October 2018 – Major genealogical discoveries always happen at the most inopportune times! I can report that my father’s Y-DNA testing has finally paid off! We now KNOW that we are descended from Lawrence Pearson/Pierson who was born about 1620 at Pownall-Fee, Wilmslow Parish, County Cheshire, England. It is also very strongly inferred by the DNA that we come thru Lawrence’s son Thomas and likely thru Thomas’ son Enoch. That means we only must discover the three generations between Enoch and our Benjamin. This is very big, exciting news, as Benjamin has been a BRICK WALL for many, many years.
I wanted to keep this a secret and let my readers discover the findings when they read my book. But we have some excellent genealogists in the family and I am hoping some of you will join me in the hunt. Each early Pearson family has an abundance of Thomas’s, Enoch’s and Benjamin’s. Our Benjamin said he was born about 1818 in Adams County, Pennsylvania. If you find him, please share your information with me so this book will be complete when it goes to print.